4 Craft Ideas To Keep The Children Busy This Half Term

Children arts and craft

Are you looking for craft ideas to entertain your little ones this half term? 🧡

We have put together four fun craft activities for you and the kids to enjoy this half term. These are easy and can be made with as little supplies as possible.

Check out the crafts below which consists of two spooky themed crafts, perfect for Halloween and two other fun crafts. Everything from paper plate llamas to puffy ghosts will keep you and your little one busy during this season!

 Paper Plate Llama

This is the perfect easy craft idea for your little ones. It’s not messy and it’s super cute. We love these little llamas!

You will need

  • Paper plates
  • Scissors
  • Glue or tape
  • Ruler
  • Markers, crayons or paint for decorations


  • Use your ruler to draw a line straight down the middle of your plate. Then cut it in half with your scissors.
  • Take one half of the plate and draw your llama head and neck on it.
  • Cut the head and neck out with your scissors and tape or glue it to the other half of the place.
  • Take the remainder of the plate that you cut the head/neck out of, and draw the feet and tail of the llama.
  • Cut out the feet and tail of the llama and glue onto the half of the plate with the head and neck.
  • Once the llama is assembled, the last step is to decorate it with your markers and paint!

 Popsicle Stick Pumpkin

This is the perfect craft for your little ones during this October season! How adorable are these pumpkins! (You can also paint them to be any other theme - cat, bat, etc.)

You will need

  • Popsicle sticks
  • Orange paint
  • Black construction paper
  • Green and black pipe cleaners
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Paint brush


  • Place 8-10 sticks together vertically. Then take 2 more sticks and apply glue to them. stick them to the 8-10 sticks horizontally - one at the top and one at the bottom.
  • Take your orange paint and paint the pumpkin!
  • Cut out three triangles from the black construction paper (two for eyes, one for nose). Also cut out a design for the mouth of the pumpkin.
  • Glue all of the construction pieces onto the pumpkin.
  • Cut the pipe cleaners in half. One black and one green. Twirl them around your finger so they resemble a corkscrew shape.
  • Glue them to the backside of your pumpkin at the top to be the stem of the pumpkin.

 Rock Painting

This is one of the easiest craft ideas ever. You need minimal supplies and every rock will be unique! Plus it gets everyone out of the house while dinner is cooking away nicely in the oven!

You will need  

  • Rocks
  • Paint
  • Paint brushes


  • Go outside and grab as many rocks that you want. Any shape or size will work.
  • Paint your rock with whatever design, colour, or face that you want!

 Puffy Ghost

This is a spooky craft idea, an easy but very entertaining one. How cute and fluffy are these?

You will need  

  • Black Construction paper
  • Cotton balls
  • Glue
  • Scissors


  • Cut out a ghost shape, eyes, and a mouth out of black construction paper.
  • Glue cotton balls all over the ghost shape. Have fun with this!
  • Glue the eyes and mouth onto the cotton ball ghost


We hope you enjoy the crafts.

Have a lovely and relaxing half term!

Dija Kids 🧡


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